The rhythm of modern life little by little stimulates disunity and individualism. The challenges of the current time and historical period provoke a clash of interests, increased tensions, conflicts and differences, and also increase the number of stressful situations among employees. The “Work” service and the online psychotherapy service “Yasno” determined that due to stress, 52% of respondents have problems concentrating on work tasks. Therefore, it is especially important to create a supportive atmosphere for people. After all, for every person who has ever experienced a feeling of team happiness, super-harmony in teamwork, other processes really become more valuable and are painted in bright, rich colors.
That is why, to achieve success, leaders simply need a strong and reliable team. At the same time, even when hiring real luminaries in one direction or another, it is necessary to establish communication between them and gather each individual professional into a single, strong and, most importantly, cohesive team. But how to implement this in practice?
That is why, to achieve success, leaders simply need a strong and reliable team. At the same time, even when hiring real luminaries in one direction or another, it is necessary to establish communication between them and gather each individual professional into a single, strong and, most importantly, cohesive team. But how to implement this in practice?
There is a solution -
interesting team building activities!

Of course, you can simply organize a corporate party based on the principle of a large feast, a musical concert and fiery dancing. And, of course, this is an effective technique for maintaining an overall positive mood within the company. But what is unique about team building? Literally, this term translates as “team building,” when people connect and bond with each other brick by brick, becoming one. And if we talk about team unity, then these kinds of events and their results take the team to a completely new level of interaction. They help cement and strengthen communication.
But when does an event become truly team-building?
- When participants live some unusual, amazing shared experience together, they do something new for the first time.
- When you compete with someone, because intellectual, sports, creative competition also always spurs the energy of involvement and connection.
- When they experience some incredible closeness together, the warmth of contact and connect it with each other outside of professional roles, meeting as person to person.
- When they jointly generate an image of the future and delve into the idea of what exactly they will build every day, making a contribution to the common cause.

What helps build connections and connections?
- A leader's ability to manage a team, as well as the methods he uses to do so.
- Diversity of tasks and goals set for the team.
- Project activities that encourage people to interact with each other.
- A supportive culture within the team that not only improves the quality of work, but also makes it more valuable to employees.
- A motivation system that strengthens teamwork.
- Team building events that stimulate and promote fundamental processes within the team.
Now let’s tell you what “interesting team building” is in the understanding of the Air Lab.
Our team uses two important parameters.
- We create a new and unusual experience for people that they have not yet taken part in. One example is an online trip to Venice. After all, the format itself is already something unknown and unusual. In addition, the participants in this event find themselves meeting with a Venetian aristocratic family, which is, in principle, almost impossible in ordinary life. Or they directly interact with a talented opera singer, with whom they are unlikely to be able to communicate in their usual workdays.
- We also create warmth of contact and interaction with each other. All corporate events organized by us are, in one way or another, focused on forming new connections within the team and strengthening relationships within the company.
Key feedback from our online travels: It was unexpected to be immersed in a virtual experience and feel real, engaged, as if I had just stood in St. Mark's Square and laughed with my colleagues. It turned out very interesting, warm, joyful, gentle and supportive. I would like to tell the whole world how this happens and what opportunities exist for business.

When we talk about a corporate event that uses playback theater and improvisation, it is worth noting that such events are aimed at developing relationships and strengthening mutual understanding within the team. This happens due to the fact that people exchange stories. Moreover, the topics discussed are often very relevant, complex, and challenging for the team. And through such exchanges, the deepening of relationships between company employees is manifested. And thanks to acting on stage, the level of meaning, the degree of openness and trust between members of the team generally expands. And, since this is a new and unique experience for the team, it becomes truly transformational, leaving a lasting impression.
In addition, within the event, representatives of the Air Lab use various tools to engage people and create connection between them. This is both an element of the game and an element of competition. We help participants interact and get involved in the process through logical perception, emotional contact and physical activity. Moreover, the last aspect is especially important for breaking the pattern and completely immersing yourself in what is happening.
To summarize, we emphasize that it does not matter at all in what direction the company is doing business, what goals it sets for itself and what the quantitative composition of the team is, but the well-coordinated work of employees, their unity and team interaction is the main engine in achieving truly great things. results.
In addition, within the event, representatives of the Air Lab use various tools to engage people and create connection between them. This is both an element of the game and an element of competition. We help participants interact and get involved in the process through logical perception, emotional contact and physical activity. Moreover, the last aspect is especially important for breaking the pattern and completely immersing yourself in what is happening.
To summarize, we emphasize that it does not matter at all in what direction the company is doing business, what goals it sets for itself and what the quantitative composition of the team is, but the well-coordinated work of employees, their unity and team interaction is the main engine in achieving truly great things. results.