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"Dances for adult children", City Day 2017

2017-09-12 12:39 Marketing and PR Corporate social responsibility
When children are dancing, they don’t think about whether they are dancing well or not. They just enjoy life and dance. During the master class, we returned to this state of freedom, spontaneity and sincere joy.

VDNKh, sunny day, people, outlines of bodies in space, open space.
Somewhere under the clouds. How else do we spend the weekend, if not in dance and good company.

We celebrated the City Day together with VDNKh: on the spacious roof of the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman pavilion there was an air jam for everyone - in the open air at the height of an 11-storey building!

Improvisation of musicians and dancers, authenticity and joy of movement - these are the principles of the Workshop, thanks to which for almost two hours everyone, young and old, danced to live music, circled and circled, hugged friends and strangers. Tired dancers were invigorated by the Puerh from the "Tea Chanterelle" project and a fresh wind - at a height of 33 meters it was easy to be "Air" =)

Photo bу Anna Varich