Online cases

Journey to Venice for Biomérieux on New Year's Eve

HR and internal comm
CUSTOMER: Biomérieux is a branch of bioMérieux in Russia. The branch was opened in Moscow in August 1996, although the company's products have been known to Russian consumers since the 1970s. For more than twenty-five years bioMérieux has held one of the leading positions on the Russian market in the field of laboratory diagnostics.

REQUEST: to organize an unusual online corporate event to celebrate the New Year.

  • to create a sense of celebration;
  • give participants the opportunity to socialize with each other in an informal atmosphere;
  • an opportunity to congratulate each other and express gratitude;
  • to create a fun and intellectual interteament with a competitive component;
  • an opportunity for participants to express themselves creatively.
An online trip to Venice!
Together with the guide Anna, an opera singer and a real Venetian, the participants plunged into the atmosphere of Christmas Venice.

Before departure, participants received their boarding passes for check-in, which contained a link to the zoom plane.
At the zoom, participants were greeted by a Biomérieux employee acting as the captain of the ship and a stewardess who invited everyone to take their seats. During the flight, participants had the opportunity to socialize in small groups.
In Venice, we were met live by Anna and, through dialog, we were guided around the square, showing us some of the sights.

After walking around, we headed to an atmospheric bookstore, after which participants compiled a library of inspiration. Next, the ship captain led the participants in a literary quiz about the life of Russian writers in Italy.
Immediately after, we headed to a real Venetian 73-year-old aristocrats, learned more about Italian New Year traditions, exchanged congratulations in verse, made a toast and listened to a real opera performed by our guide Anna!
  1. Emotional exhalation and new experiences;
  2. socializing with colleagues in an informal setting;
  3. immersive immersion in Italian culture;
  4. gratitude to colleagues and sincere congratulations on the coming New Year.